Shore Side Dentistry

Receding Gums: Causes,
Symptoms, and Effective
Solutions from the
Periodontist at Shore Side
Dentistry, Oakville, ON.

Understanding Receding Gums

Gingival recession, often referred to as receding gums, manifests when the protective gum tissue surrounding the teeth gradually retreats, unveiling more of the tooth’s surface or even the vulnerable root beneath.

This phenomenon, sometimes dismissed as a mere cosmetic concern, harbours the potential to usher in grave oral afflictions if neglected. The retreat of the gums can precipitate heightened tooth sensitivity, amplify the likelihood of dental caries, and, in severe instances, culminate in the loss of teeth.

This blog post dives into the causes, discernible symptoms, and effective remedies for both managing and preventing the advancement of receding gums.

Causes of Receding Gums

Poor Oral Hygiene

A fundamental cause of receding gums is poor oral hygiene. An improper brushing technique and the absence of flossing have the potential to lead to a buildup of plaque on teeth and along the gumline. Over time, this plaque hardens into tartar. Tartar irritates the gums and causes them to recede. Timely and proper brushing and flossing are essential to prevent this condition.

Aggressive Brushing

While maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial, brushing too aggressively can also contribute to gum recession. For example, brushing with a toothbrush with hard or stiff bristles or applying excessive pressure while brushing can fatigue the gum tissue, leading to receding gums. The solution is quite simple – a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing techniques are essential to protect your gums.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, commonly additionally as gum disease, is another major cause of receding gums. This bacterial infection damages the gum tissue and the supporting bone structure, leading to gum recession. Periodontal disease can progress to advanced stages if not treated promptly, causing significant gum recession and tooth loss.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetics can also play a role in the development of receding gums. You may be more susceptible to this condition if you have a family history of gum disease or receding gums. Regular dental checkups and proactive oral care are essential if you have a genetic predisposition to gum issues.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women, can make the gums more sensitive and prone to recession. Pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation are typical times when hormonal changes can affect gum health. During these periods, it is crucial to maintain diligent oral hygiene practices to prevent gum recession.

Tobacco Use

Smoking and the use of other tobacco products are significant risk factors for receding gums. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the gum tissue and potentially reduce blood flow to the gums, making the gums more susceptible to recession. Quitting tobacco is one of the most effective ways to improve gum health and prevent recession.

Misaligned Teeth or Bite

Having misaligned teeth that haven’t been treated or an improper bite that hasn’t been treated can put excessive force on certain areas of the gums and teeth, leading to gum recession. Orthodontic treatment or bite adjustment can help correct these issues and reduce the risk of receding gums.


Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding, additionally known as bruxism, can exert excessive pressure on the teeth and gums, contributing to gum recession. Wearing a night guard and managing stress can help reduce the impact of bruxism on your gums.

Symptoms of Receding Gums

Tooth Sensitivity

One of the earliest signs of receding gums is increased tooth sensitivity. As the gums recede, the roots of the teeth become exposed, leading to heightened sensitivity. This sensitivity could be to a variety of food and drinks – It could be, for instance be to hot, or cold food or beverages, to sweet or sour foods, or to acidic foods and drinks. If you notice sudden tooth sensitivity, it is essential to consult your dentist for an evaluation.

Visible Tooth Roots

As gum recession progresses, you may notice that the roots of your teeth are becoming visible. Gum recession can cause the teeth to appear longer than normal and may cause discomfort when eating or brushing.

Bleeding Gums​

Bleeding gums, too, are a common symptom of gum disease. Bleeding gums can lead to gum recession. If you experience bleeding while brushing or flossing, it may be a sign of gum recession, and you should contact your dentist promptly about this complaint.


Swollen or Red Gums

Swollen, red, or inflamed gums are often associated with gum recession. These symptoms indicate irritation or infection in the gum tissue and require immediate attention to prevent further recession.

Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath (halitosis) can indicate gum disease and receding gums. The bacteria that cause gum infections can produce foul-smelling odours, leading to persistent bad breath.

Practical Solutions for Receding Gums

Improved Oral Hygiene Practices

Improving oral hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent and manage receding gums. Brushing after meals daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash can all help remove plaque and bacteria contributing to gum recession.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Regular professional dental cleanings are essential for removing tartar buildup that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. Dental hygienists use specialized tools to thoroughly clean teeth and gums, reducing gum recession risk.

Scaling and Root Planing

For those cases of gum recession that have advanced visibly, your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning procedure involves removing tartar, plaque and bacteria from below the gum line and then smoothening the roots of the teeth which promotes gum reattachment.

Gum Grafting

A gum graft is a surgery of the gums procedure that can restore receded gum tissue. During the procedure, the dentist or periodontist takes tissue from another part of the mouth, such as the palate, and grafts it onto the affected area. Gum grafting helps to cover the exposed roots and protect the teeth from further recession.

Orthodontic Treatment

If misaligned teeth or an improper bite contribute to gum recession, orthodontic treatment may be necessary. Whether you decide to go with braces or clear aligners like Invisalign, they can all help by realigning the teeth and reducing the pressure on the gums, preventing further recession.

Mouthguards for Teeth Grinding

If bruxism is causing your gums to recede, wearing a custom-made night guard can help reduce the impact of teeth grinding on your teeth and gums. This device cushions the teeth and reduces the impact of grinding on the gums.

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is definitely one of the most effective steps to improve your gum health. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of gum recession and enhances overall oral and general health. Similarly, managing stress and maintaining a healthy diet can also significantly assist you in preventing gum recession. By making these lifestyle changes, you can take control of the health of your teeth and gums and simultaneously reduce the risk of gum recession.

Effective Solutions for receding gums from the Periodontist at Shore Side Dentistry, Oakville ON

Regular Scheduled checkups

If you have a genetic predisposition to gum issues, it’s advisable to have dental checkups at least every six months or as your dentist recommends. Regular dental checkups and proactive oral care can help manage and prevent the advancement of receding gums, especially if you have a family history of gum disease or receding gums.

Effective Solutions for receding gums from the Periodontist at Shore Side Dentistry, Oakville ON

Take Action to Protect Your Gums

Receding gums can lead to seriously problematic oral health concerns if not addressed promptly. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and implementing effective solutions, you can protect your gums and maintain a healthy smile. It’s important to be vigilant and recognize the symptoms of gum recession, such as sensitive teeth, visible tooth roots, bleeding gums, swollen or red gums, and bad breath. This awareness can prompt you to seek timely evaluation and treatment from your dentist, ensuring the best possible outcome for your gum and oral health.


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