Shore Side Dentistry

Why Do Our Teeth Yellow?

Why do our teeth yellow | Teeth Whitening from Shore Side Dentistry Oakville ON

Why Do Our Teeth Yellow? Sometimes complex issues may have simple solutions. Can you guess what might be the simplest method to improve your smile? Whiter teeth! At Shore Side Dentistry in Oakville, Ontario, our professional dental team will provide you with a range of options on how to whiten your teeth. The solutions include … Read more

Partial and Complete Dentures in Oakville

partial and complete dentures | Shore Side Dentistry

Here at Shore Side Dentistry, we focus on periodontics, dental implants, and prosthodontics: that includes partial and complete dentures in Oakville.

Some questions regarding dentures that we receive include, “What are the differences between partial and complete dentures?” and “Do I have to be a certain age to be eligible for dentures?” In today’s blog, we provide those answers— and why it matters to your smile.

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Excellence in Endodontic Care in Oakville

Classified as “a branch of dentistry concerning dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of a tooth”, endodontics is more commonly referred to as root canal treatment. How Shore Side Dental Offers Endodontic Care in Oakville Our team of dentists offer endodontic care to treat even the most severe tooth pain.  Signs you need a … Read more


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